Hi, Can someone explain to me the difference between 0FI_GL_10 and 0FI_GL_14? Is it preferred to use one over another one? Should both be used?FAGLFLEXA & FAGLFLEXT. This DSO is updated by the InfoSource FI-GL: Line Items (0FI_GL_4) (/IMO/FIGL_IS04). Update table ROOSFIELD for the missing fields of the datasource, changing the SELECTION from A to blank. g. BALANCE. In this scenario, enhancing the 0FI_GL_4 DataSource and adding the extra fields from the EKKO, EKPO, MEBW tables. The new solution is based on new extractors that are available with Plug-In Release PI2003. For 0FI_AA_11 and 0FI_AA_12, both 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT and 0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR should have successful data extractions. This ensures that the data in BW for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting is exactly as up to date as the data for General Ledger Accounting. This didn't give a very bad result, except for the account 129000 which represents the profit and loss for the year before. . I have recently activated Data Source 0fi_gl_14, but I need to add USNAM field from table BKPF in Extract Structure. The data source which fulfills my requirement is 0FI_GL_4. The extractor which could cover this requirement is 0FI_GL_4. The values I got is. 0 . Due to the 16–key field restriction of the DSO, seven technical characteristics, 0FI_CK01 – 0FI_CK06 (+ 0FI_CK07), have been introduced into which all relevant source fields are concatenated to preserve the original. InfoSource: 0FI_GL_4. Please save your work. The problem is we have activated the datasources of 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_GL_4 from delivery version RSA5, After activation we checked in RSA6, and even the data is available we checked in RSA3 also. Technical name: 0FI_GL_4. I have made an enhancement to extractor 0FI_gl_4 using EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 and FUNCTION ZXRSAU01 in our DEV Client. This date is calculated in Standard transaction FBL1N, but is not stored in any table (BSEG, BKPF. This is a design problem and can be fixed with OSS 523933, but we don't want to modify this 0FI_GL_4 extractor since it loads into a GL ODS which has 150 million. This ensures the proper synchronization of accounts. Edit Standard DataSource The first step is to enhance the DataSource for General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction (0FI_GL_4) by adding the field Document Header Text (BKTXT). 2. Can somebody help me in creating function module generic extractor similar to the 0FI_GL_4 . For more information, see SAP Note 1523670. DataStore Object (advanced): CM S/4 FI: GL Account Line Item. Now my client needs to get the Park and Post information details using a customized extractor. Transformation. BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD; BSIK, BSAK, FAGLBSIS, FAGLBSAS and VBSEGS. Follow. Scenario. Financial Accounting: General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) Available from OLTP Release: 4. 0? 2)what is the difference between 0FI_GL_04 and 0FI_GL_14? 3) Is there any material or link or pdf that explains more clearly about FI - GL. Related content. Now, we're discontinuing the 0FI_GL_4 to the 0FI_GL_14. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. FI-GL: GL - Line Items (0FI_GL_4) - /IMO/FIGL_IS04 . WHEN FAILED: DATASOURCE = 0FI_GL_4. The ODP performance scenario that we’ve completed was on the GL Line item datasource (0FI_GL_14) from ECC system (source) into a BW 7. The same is with the field BKTXT in the Include CI_BSIS. 0. ①0FI_GL_4 (0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 as well): The safety interval logic is implemented in function BWFIT_GET_TIMESTAMPS. Folks, we run the extractor 0FI_GL_4 once a night at midnight. What are the differences between 0fi_gl_14 and 0fi_gl_4 and is there any articles on the differences. If no data exists for 0FI_GL_4, extraction is not linked to the General Ledger. Once activated, we mapped the ODP FI GL line. Scenario 1: Datasource is maintained in a specific language. 2) No you can not. 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT: Asset Subnumber with Description: FI - Asset Accounting: 0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR: Depreciation Area Real or Derived: FI - Asset Accounting: 0FI_AA_001: ANNUAL VALUES: FI - Asset Accounting: 0FI_AA_006:. FI-GL: New GL Leading Ledger - Line Items (0FI_GL_14) - /IMO/FIGL_IS14. Cheers, David. Available from Plug-In Release. Relevancy Factor: 1. 0FI_GL_6:General Ledger Sales Figures via Delta Extraction 0FI_GL_7:General Ledger Cost of Sales Ledger via Delta Extraction 0FI_GL_8:General Ledger: Statistical Key Figures 0FI_GL_10:General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances 0FI_GL_14:General Ledger: Line Items of the Leading Ledger(New GL in ECC). We have the requirement with the data from tables BSEG and BKPF Tables. Q: This transformation is based on new BI 7. Delta records are directly transferred to BW. There will be a planned 2-hour downtime on Sunday, Sept. 2. I tried this ODQ approach for 0FI_GL_4 with streaming enabled. 1. AETIM : 17:26:59. General Ledger Accounts (GL) in SAP are divided into two parts a. We have the requirement with the data from tables BSEG and BKPF Tables. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. A delta load or delta initialization using an extractor-based DataSource with time-related delta pointer fails. S/4: New Field "Type of a General Ledger Account" (GLACCOUNT_TYPE) for Cost Element Definition. I have read the related SAP notes 430303 and also found one very good discussion in this forum: In this discussion, the question is raised if the correction instruction in the note is still valid or not. Ana Miranda, I suggest you to go with standard datasources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_GL_4, then restrict with items status (0FI_DOCSTAT) at query level and also, you have to work with RKF and CKF. Enhancing 0FI_GL_4 datasource with fields from BKPF and BSEG - SAP Q&A Relevancy Factor: 2. you may see them at info pack selection screen. General Ledger: Transaction Figures. Technical name: 0FI_GL_4 . For more information, see Financial Accounting: Line Item Extraction Procedure . General Ledger: Transaction Figures with Delta Extraction. Superb answer!!!. We were running between master data and transaction data without any problem. The key figures from the ledgers are calculated for the ledger environment selected, and for the key date you specify. Actually Delta procedure is not suitable for filling Infocubes in BI directly. 0FI_GL_4: General ledger line items (if required) 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT: Master data for asset subnumber; 0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR: Depreciation area;. This explains how to convert from using the old extraction procedure (DataSources 0FI_AP_3 and 0FI_AR_3) to the new one (DataSources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4). Step-4: Creating function modules for each extractor enhancement. FI-GL: General Ledger: Balances (0FI_GL_6) - /IMO/FIGL_IS06 . We have the requirement with the data from tables BSEG and BKPF Tables. Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin. Examples of such DataSources include 0FI_GL_10, 0FI_GL_14, 3FI_GL_xx_TT, 0EC_PCA_1, 0EC_PCA_3, 0FI_GL_4, 0APO_LPROD_ATTR, etc. Use The corporate memory is filled independently of the EDW core layer’s update. According to Readiness Check was only the content datasource 0FI_GL_6 determined as problematic (obsolote), with no 1:1 substitiute recommended due to the change of GL. FI-GL: General Ledger: Balances (0FI_GL_6) - /IMO/FIGL_IS06 . In our scenario, during the night (03:00 am), we perform. DataSources. About this pageHello Hi, Just would like to ask something about the delta extraction of 0FI_GL_4. Extractor: BWFID_GET_FIGL_ITEM. All my FI reports were well managed by 10 and 14. You can check in RSA2 for 0FI_GL_4. The extraction structure DTFIGL_4 for datasource 0FI_GL_4 (General ledger: line item) should be enhanced by the VALUT (value date) field. Now We found that there is a different table called FAGLFLEXA & FAGLFLEXT , Which will have the combined data from BSEG , BKPF and some other tables. Key Fields; Object Type. We are on nw 004s and ECC 6. GL is created initially for Chart of Account section and further extension is done to different company codes on need basis. Field ZFBDT in table DTFIGL_4 is specified twice. Depending on extraction source call single extractors. We are upgrading the PI add-on in R/3 source system from 2003_1_46C to 2004_1_46C. No record is written to the BW delta queue. Then I have activated the structures CI_BSIS and DTFIGL_4. SQL EXTRACTOR 0FI_GL_4 TFRMETHOD T // Transfer method (T=tRFC) //UPDMODE F // Full extractor //UPDMODE C // Initial extraction, to be followed by delta extractions //UPDMODE D // Delta extraction UPDMODE R // Delta repeat (resend the most recent delta load) //INITRNR <NR> // Resend extraction (for IDoc Transfer Method) //IDOC <NR> // Resend. Performance enhancements might be available for data extraction. Structure Delta Update. This increase in performance compared to a full data extraction on the same ODP datasource is due to the. i am looking which fields are responsible for Delta Update in 0FI_GL_4. 2. Check on table DTFIGL_4 resulted in errors. FI-GL: GL - Line Items (0FI_GL_4) - /IMO/FIGL_IS04 . Now my problem is the field BLART is not picking the exact document type, I mean am loading the data of 0fi_gl_10 to see the collections, and the document type for collections is XX or YY or ZZ . ) Also. This InfoSource is based on DataSource 0FI_GL_14. Available from Plug-In Release. xlsx), PDF File (. Using this approach, the advantages are: The data source which fulfills my requirement is 0FI_GL_4. Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data apart from the base/origin tables on certain Business logic/requirement. CM S/4 FI: GL Account Line Item (0I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEMRAWDATA) (/IMO/C_FI401) No Field Rules. You also have the option of using DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. Technical Name. 0. This DataStore object (advanced) serves as the staging and corporate memory DSO for the DataSource General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction (0FI_GL_4). From the transition of the data requirements in Delta-Init-Modus to Delta operation therefore, the data requirement in Delta mode 0FI_GL_4 should take place first. I know there is a datasource 0FI_GL_4, and this datasource is based on BKPF and BSEG. Field in Extract Structure. To enter a delta dataset, you can use any of the following InfoSources (with the corresponding DataSources and extractors in SAP R/3): Component. Search for additional results. If a data inbound layer persistence and/or a corporate memory persistence is used, the transformation. The documentation states GL_1 is for transaction while GL_4 is direct line items. 0B. This DataSource is delta-compatible (in contrast to 0FI_GL_1). 4. x DS)). UPDMODE : C. In the DBW462 Training (Delta BW7. The delta time stamp is stored in table BWOM2_TIMEST. Symptom. SKA1. This should 'automatically' bring data to MWSKZ field, because it's part of the table BSIS, however, the field is not visible in RSA3, RSA6 or in BW after replication. When you expand the aDSOs listed above, you’ll see the details of the corporate memory aDSO, as. 0FI_GL_40 This DataSource provides the line items in General Ledger Accounting from tables BKPF, BSEG, FAGLFLEXA, . I am using 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, and 0FI_AP_4 in S/4 HANA system and encountered duplicated records when loading delta records. As i checked in the System, there is no entry in this table. Add USNAM field in 0fi_gl_14 DataSource. 1. transformation: TRCS 0FI_GL_4 -> ODSO 0FIGL_O02 . The Extractor Connector contains two different options. So please let me know whether It is possible to add without writing CMOD. Use corresponding exit FM as template and copy the import, Export, Table, Exception. Note 410799 – Enhancement of line item extraction FI-GL, FI-CIS, FI-CIS Implemented for 0FI_AP_4 DataSource customization. While re initializing the data source 0FI_GL_4 without data transfer the time stamp entries are not populated in the BWOM2_TIMEST . Sequence of Data Extractions into BW:Types of Data Sources Available under FI-GL 0FI_GL_4 General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction This DataSource extracts General Ledger Accounting line items from tables BKPF and BSEG in the source system. To reduce the number of overlapping delta records, the safety intervals for the extractor can be adapted. RTCUR or master data of the ledger and organizational unit. Datasource 0FI_GL_4 (GL: Line items), Master Data Attribute, Custom Datasource with delta type E (PULL)]: As this is a ‘PULL’ delta-type, the delta data records are determined during the delta update by the Datasource extractor, updated to the ODQ, and passed on to the SAP BW directly from there. Problem is GL_1 has cumulated balance and GL_4 does not. If a data inbound layer persistence and/or a corporate memory persistence is used, the transformation from this DataStore object (advanced) to the InfoSource directly assigns the fields of the DataStore object to the InfoSource. This Datasource Generally contains huge Data and when you execute the datasource , the system takes a lot of time and at the end it generates short Dump. Edit with transaction OB13. A = 'A': Field hidden in OLTP and BI; property. 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FI - Accounts Receivable: 9. Hi Gurus, I want to know the standard cube name for 0FI_GL_4. Is it OK to create a transformation below Infosource to datasource: 0fi_gl_4? To maintain a consistent dataset in Financial Accounting during data extraction, new and changed datasets are loaded for the same time interval for which line items in the General Ledger (OFI_GL_4) were last loaded. To enable determination of the datasets, note 535016 must be installed in all. Datasource : 0FI_GL_4. 0FI_GL_4/14 all prev extractors were delta enable but why SAP has made new 0FI_GL_40 delta disable? Quite strange step. 0FI_AA_11 0FI_AA_12 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT 0ASSET_AFAB 0FI_GL_4 BWOM2_TIMEST Zero RODPS_SAPI009 , KBA , BW-BCT-FI-AA , BW only - Asset Accounting , BW-BCT-FI , BW only - Financial Accounting , How To . When the initialization selections for one of these extractors are deleted, the BWFI_AEDAT entries necessary for the Data Source 0FI_GL_14 (or the generated Data Source 3FI_GL_xx_SI) are also deleted in the source system. In that case pointer will keep on increasing ( and this will come in the delta). G/L Account Number (HKONT) and controlling. Therefore, when the transition is made from having data requirements in Delta Init mode to having them in pure Delta operation, the data requirement in delta mode. Technical Data. Above FM gives output structure RFPOS. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. 2LIS_11_VAHDR: Sales Document. ①0FI_GL_4 (0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 as well): The safety interval logic is implemented in function BWFIT_GET_TIMESTAMPS. And now, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4 will copy this new upper limit for the time stamp selection during the next data extraction in the SAP R/3 System. FI-GL: Line Items (0FI_GL_4) - /IMO/CMFIGL04 /IMO/CMFIGL04 This DataStore object (advanced). 1. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. getting any data in field VBELN( which is mapped to info object(0DOC_NUMBER) . I've been specific in the WHERE clause of the coding to restrict the result set to a specific document number. 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Receivable: 0CO_OM_NWA_2: Delta extraction: Netw. Datasource 0FI_GL_4 (GL: Line items), Master Data Attribute, Custom Datasource with delta type E (PULL)]: As this is a ‘PULL’ delta-type, the delta data records are determined during the delta update by the Datasource extractor, updated to the ODQ, and passed on to the SAP BW directly from there. FI-GL: New GL - Balances - /IMO/D_FIGL12. The delta time stamp is stored in table BWOM2_TIMEST. data in info object 0DOC_NUMBER( extractor field VBELN)is getting populated from BSIK-EBELN or BSIK-XBELN?When a Delta InfoPackage for the DataSource 0FI_GL_4 is executed in SAP NetWeaverBI (BI), the extraction process in the ECC source system mainly consists of two activities:- First the FI extractor calls a FI specific function module which reads the new andchanged FI documents since the last delta request from the application tablesand. when we go to SAP NetWeaver 2004s to replicate the datasources, i went to source system and after double clicking on the Source system a. 0 · If all fields in the customer include structure are contained in the above-mentioned R/3 table, no further ABAP programming is required. Join. ca. From the transition of the data requirements in Delta-Init-Modus to Delta operation therefore, the data requirement in Delta mode 0FI_GL_4 should take place first. RemoteCube-Compatible . privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. Append extractor 0FI_GL_14_APPE is used to provide the corresponding fields in BI. During that time, users will still be able to view content (blogs and questions) but will not be able to post new blogs or questions. I originally loaded . As per the document, the datasources "0FI_GL_10 - Leading Ledger Balance" and "0FI_GL_4 - Actual Line Items" or generated datasources 3FI_GL_xx_SI, and 3FI_GL_xx_TT could be used for delta extraction. This datasource does only allow selection for a few fields in RSA6. And now, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4 will copy this new upper limit for the time stamp selection during the next data extraction in the SAP R/3 System. You may choose to manage your own preferences. I need to make a generic datasource similar to the 0FI_GL_4 (Extraction by FM). FI-GL: GL - Line Items (0FI_GL_4) - /IMO/FIGL_IS04. 0FI_GL_14 (replacement to 0FI_GL_4) to be used for GL Line Item data extraction and mainly used for P&L Reports. 0FI_GL_4 datasource enhancement. RFPOS containing entries is passed to Function Module OPEN_FI_PERFORM_00001650_E. The new datasources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 use a time stamp method instead of the BW Delta queue in the R/3 source system in order to determine the Delta dataset. We created the ODP source system as per the steps in my last article and activated the ODP FI GL line item datasource (0FI_GL_14). Need to write small abap logic at source side SE38 to modify ROOSEFIELD table data. To enable determination of the datasets, note 535016 must be installed in all. Data Modeling. One of the CO currencies needed to be the local currency, but it was not necessary that the other currency in CO was also configured in FI. This information is extracted separately (DataSources 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4). e. 2LIS_03_UM: Revaluations MM - Materials Management: 10. Module Name. My system is BW4HANA version, and standard data sources such as 0FI_GL_10,OFI_AR_4 are not displayed under data sources in HANA STUDIO tool. The region sees some of the country's mildest weather and the driest. 2B, which is based on the DataSources 0FI_GL_1, 0FI_GL_2, 0FI_AR_1, and 0FI_AP_1, can be replaced. =20 Is. Technical Name. Characteristics. Follow. This extractor assigns specific field attributes to the append fields. Search for additional results. We have intilzed the delta one year back and we are. . Please share with me your suggestion or view. As FI-GL DS is based on BSEG,BKPF, do we need to do any enhancements or any other technique? Thanks for relpy in advance. When I checked RSA5 for these datasources, I saw that these new datasources are not ODP enabled as. 4. Type of DataSource. Therefore, from the transfer of the data requests in delta initial mode to the delta only operation, the data request in delta mode of 0FI_GL_4 should be. We are planning to change the existing FI_AR line item load from current fiscal year full to delta. I am trying to enhance DS 0FI_GL_4 with field MATNR from BSEG table. Now We found that there is a different table called FAGLFLEXA & FAGLFLEXT , Which will have the combined data from BSEG , BKPF and some other. If no data exists for 0FI_GL_4, extraction is not linked to the General Ledger. In Business Content, following flow is available. Source System for R/3 Entry* 0GN_R3_SSY. While checking the help. Worked extensively in the Finance - Accounts Payable (FI-AP) -. I have made an enhancement to extractor 0FI_gl_4 using EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 and FUNCTION ZXRSAU01 in our DEV Client. Page Not Found | SAP Help Portal. Nice Blog Elangovan Nagavel, for S/4 Hana Embedded BW. Scenario In BW, the delta extraction for 0FI_GL_4 from the source system can be loaded as per the processchain or infopackage schedule but where as, from source system will be able to fetch the delta records as per the timestamp defined, or depending on system predefined delta pointer. If no data exists for 0FI_GL_4, extraction is not linked to the General Ledger. Thank you. privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. The ODQ uses the following three tables to store data:RSM, 340, 0CO_OM_CCA_9, 0EC_PCA_3, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_GL_10, 0FI_GL_14, 3FI_GL_xx_TT, 3FI_GL_xx_TT, 1_CO_PA, RSC2_QOUT_CONFIRM_DATA, RSDBTIME , KBA , BC-BW , BW Service API , BC-BW-ODP , Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) and Delta Queue (ODQ) , Problem . If FI_GL_4 is active in the system, system checks for the delta from that datasource too. I read somewhere that data sources for transactions such as 0FI_GL_4 only extract documents that were posted the day before, for example, if the delta extraction is run on 1. Q: This transformation is based on new BI 7. But its picking the sales document type ZX. If the New GL has not been implemented in your ECC side 0FI_GL_14 will not be brining any data. 0FI_GL_4 writes the entries into the time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST in the SAP R/3 System with a new upper limit for the time stamp selection. For performance improvements for extraction, see SAP Note 1731175. This InfoSource is based on DataSource 0FI_GL_14. 2003. Technical name: 0FI_GL_2. But then you have will have to filter what are the relevant doc types for AR. Before using the 0FI_GL_14, SAP had 0FI_GL_4. We removed the infopackage from the sequence and the depreciations created were not extracted to BW, even with 0FI_GL_14 running. We are on nw 004s and ECC 6. Requires; Object Type. The safety interval is defined in table BWOM_SETTINGS. If a data inbound layer persistence and/or a corporate memory persistence is used, the transformation. Step1: Append the Structure of Datasource 0FI_ACDOCA_10. The note 2341038 says that we can use the new 0FI_ACDOCA_10/20 datasources and even though we don't have any BI content for them, we can just remap the 0F_GL_10/14 BI content to use these new ACDOCA datasources instead. Therefore, when the transition is made from having data requirements in Delta Init mode to having them in pure Delta operations, the data requirement in delta mode of. 5/BW4) we are using S4/HANA 1809 and BW7. 0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR. Note: Uncoupled" extraction possible with Plug-In PI 2002. This ensures that the data in BW for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting is exactly as up to date as the data for General Ledger Accounting. For more information, see SAP. This field is not available in BSEG & BKPF tables but available in the datasource structure. This DataSource replaces 0FI_GL_1. Introduction: In many BW Projects, we have seen that most of the time we need to enhance the standard FI_GL/AR/AP extractors and pull the data for additional fields of the base/origin tables. This DSO (advanced) contains the new general ledger balances extracted with DataSource General Ledger: Balances of Leading Ledger via Delta Queue ( 0FI_GL_12 ). Based on DataSource: 0FI_GL_4. In FI extraction 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 are linked with 0FI_GL_4 in order to maintain consistent data transfer from OLTP system (it is called coupled data extraction, Ref OSS notes 428571). In the transaction RSA5, select the DataSource (s) and click Activate Data Sources. runtimes for the 0FI_GL_4 extractor. RemoteCube Compatibility. We can do the same reconciliation steps for the line item level data using the table FAGLFLEXA which is used by the DS 0FI_GL_14,however is should match with the totals tables and since the volume of the posting would be more for an account, total table level reconciliation is suffice. The consistent recording of data from General Ledger Accounting and Subledger Accounting is provided by means of coupled delta extraction in the time stamp procedure. Table of Contents: 1. 0WBS_ELEMT InfoObject is filled incorrectly with NUMC 8 by 0FI_GL_4 Extractor. Use. If using earlier versions of FI-AP Line Item DataSources like 0FI_AP_3, this note has to be applied. We are planning to do repair full update for the history loads of newly added fields. Application Component. 01、使用rsa7查看增量队列时,确实可以看到财务数据源:0fi_gl_4, 0fi_gl_6, 2、总账凭证过账后,立即进行数据抽取, 0fi_gl_4并不能立刻抽取到数据,而 0fi_gl_6 立刻就可以抽取到最新数据, 这是怎么回事呢? 或者我哪里理解错了?As soon as DataSource 0FI_GL_4 has been loaded, it is the leading DataSource with regard to accruals, such as the time and date (CPU date) by which extraction should be carried out. However, we have a problem in that splitting in the new GL in ECC 6. Extractors only exist for the source system from R/3 Release 4. The symptom materializes in dDelta Extract Stage was tested with custom Datasources and with the following standard Datasources:0FI_GL_20: G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger Sales Figures via Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts Receivable: 0FI_GL_1: General ledger: Transaction figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_12As soon as DataSource 0FI_GL_4 is loaded, it is the leading DataSource with regard to the time limits – such as maximum time (CPU date) – up to which data extraction is allowed. Filled with the 2-digit system ID of the connected source system. We now realize we need the cumulated balance at a plant level for specific GL Accounts. Transformation. FI-GL: New GL Balances (0FI_GL_12) - /IMO/CMFIGL12. But this time it contains value for field Gkont (i. Is there any way to update the records in BW to the time that the extractor is running? Based on your experience, can you tell us what are the main problems with the extraction of the most current data?①0FI_GL_4 (0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4 as well): The safety interval logic is implemented in function BWFIT_GET_TIMESTAMPS. BTE used is 00005011. 0FI_GL_4 - Delta Issue. Application DataSource R/3 Table Include Structure General Ledger 0FI_GL_4 BSEG CI_BSIS Accounts Receivable 0FI_AR_4 BSIK CI_BSIK Accounts Payable 0FI_AP_4 BSID CI_BSID our financial department wants to display line items general ledger + some other fields from BKPF (BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD) which doesnt consist 0FI_GL_4 comunication structure. We are comfortable with all datasources except 0FI_GL_4. So, if we fetch the data at 02:00 AM, then any other delta run (delta info pack run. How I can change the delta frequency for FIGL by replacing the default value?. I want to double confirm is it the correct process to read above 3 datasoures. General Ledger: Cost of Sales Ledger Using Delta Extraction. Non-leading ledgers can be created as per the local accounting rules in your country/region. 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_10: General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_14: General Ledger (New): Line Items Leading Ledger: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_1: General ledger: Transaction figures:514 Views. Name. Sine 0FI_GL_10 is a totals extractor for balances, you can use 0FI_ACDOCA_20 based on notes: 2341038 - Usage of datasources 0FI_ACDOCA_10 and 0FI_ACDOCA_20 in sFIN / S4HANA -- you can find the field mapping. FIAA_BW_DELTA_UPDATE is activated. We are on ECC 5. Situation in S4 HANARobert. This includes InfoSources: 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AR_6, 0FI_AR_5, and Full loads for 0FI_AR_1, and 0FI_AR_10. In addition to the Gajesh points. 0. If you use transaction RSA5 to activate the extractor of DataSource 0FI_GL_14, the field attributes of the append extractor are assigned to the actual extractor. 1. 0FI_GL_10: General Ledger: Leading Ledger Balances: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_1: General ledger: Transaction figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger Sales Figures via Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger. xlsx - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. If the system prompts you to specify a package, specify a custom package (your own transportable package). 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_14: General Ledger (New): Line Items Leading Ledger: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction: FI - Accounts. You can use this DataSource to extract average daily balances (ADB) and other key figures for ledger dimensions to the FI component. 4. With New G/L in SAP ECC 6. 0FI_GL_6 . InfoSources. The performance benefit of a delta execution of the 0FI_GL_14 ODP is from 74% to 86%. Extractors only exist for the source system from R/3 Release 4. MANDT : 120. It has 2 selection. Filled with the 2-digit system ID of the connected source system. As soon as DataSource 0FI_GL_4 is loaded, it is the leading DataSource with regard to the time limits – such as maximum time (CPU date) – up to. 0FI_GL_4. 0FI_GL_40: G/L Accounts: Line Items: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extrcation: FI - Accounts Payable: 0FI_GL_20: G/L Accounts: Transaction Figures: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger Sales Figures via Delta Extraction: FI - General Ledger Accounting: 0FI_GL_50: G/L Accounts: Plan. why is there a direct dependency between the. S/4 FI: GL Account Line Item (0I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEMRAW) - /IMO/FI_IS401. This DSO (advanced). In order to over come the above challenge, lets start up with Extraction using. x dataflow. 把数据从数据源0fi_gl_4传到DSO,创建(把. This DSO is updated by the InfoSource FI-GL: Line Items (0FI_GL_14) (/IMO/FIGL_IS14). Line items can be requested in the general ledger view and in the entry view. 6 or higher. I have encountered a problem when using 0FI_GL_4 delta extractor. Structure Delta Update. In particular, the InfoSource contains no InfoObjects from Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting. For example Finance data extractor 0FI_GL_10 is Whitelisted with S/4 HANA, this means the data source is fully supported and will work with out any restriction. As soon as DataSource 0FI_GL_4 is loaded, it is the leading DataSource with regard to the time limits – such as maximum time (CPU date) – up to which data.